“Growing” as a household

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“Growing” as a household

Share An Opportunity Uganda with support from donors and development partners focuses on empowering communities to provide holistic child development. To achieve this, the organization adopted the integrated farm family plan; an approach that was piloted through the Child Centered Community Development (CCCD) program supported by Help a Child International, in Abim District, in 2019.

This approach brings household members (father, mother, children and youth) together to talk about the available resources on their land and community; and paint a picture of what future they would like.

Through this approach, families in Abim have moved from staying in grass-thatched houses to permanent structures (brick and motar); and from subsistence farmers to entrepreneurial/ commercial farmers. This has enabled parents to take better care of their children and take them to private schools due to the increased income.

Because of its success, the approach will this year be cascaded to other program areas starting with the Children Youth and Communities for Change program in Kaberamaido District.

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