39-year-old Sylvia Nabaffu is married with two children. Three years ago, Sylvia was a quiet housewife who would only wait for her husband to put food on the table.
But with the introduction of the Self Help Group (SHG) model by SAO with support from KNH in Sironko District, Sylvia joined one of the groups.
“Through the different meetings and trainings in the group, I got knowledge on how to start an income generating activity,so I stopped depending on my husband for every thing. I also gained confidence. But most important for me, I got skills in public speaking.”
The young woman explains that because of these skills, she was selected by members of her SHG to be part of the Cluster Level Associates (CLA) (The second level after the SHG).
“In the CLA, I joined the committee in charge of participation in local governance and I will run for the office of woman councilor in 2026. This way, I will ensure appropriate service delivery in my area.”
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