Launch of community livelihood programmes in Abim

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On July 12, 2017, SAO launched the Special Programme convening and convincing (SPCC) and Community Child Centered Development Programme (CCCD) in Lotuke and Awach sub counties in Abim District.


The SPCC Programme is funded by the Inter Church Cooperation Organisation (ICCO) and it aims at empowering small holder farmers especially women, youth and people with disabilities (PWD) to access markets. Under this programme, SAO will promote three value chains of maize, millet and cassava. The project will ensure that 1: Duty bearers implement pro-poor value chains plans and policies, 2: Small holder farmers access viable markets for the selected value chains of maize, cassava & millet and 3: Small holder farmers produce marketable products within the value chain. This will be achieved through; capacity analysis of actors, conducting community dialogues, interface meetings and district dialogue meetings.


SAO’s CCCD programme in Abim is funded by Red Een Kind (REK) and it focuses on the four pillars of survival, child protection, child participation and child development which place children at the center of all development processes. The CCCD project works through the self Help group (SHG) approach and it puts emphasis on strengthening community structures that include SHGs, Child protection committees, children’s clubs, youth groups, school management committees, Water User Committees and VHTs among others.

CCCD aims at promoting child wellbeing through empowering their families to ensure holistic child development. It is an empowerment programme that ensures sustainability and community driven development processes. The project will also focus on issues of youth unemployment through Community Based Training programmes for skilling youths.

The two projects will benefit over 4,215 households and eight schools. Schools will be supported to promote quality education through improving the learning environment and working with the education department to conduct Professional Development Courses for teachers.

Written by Sarah Tumwebaze

Communications and Marketing Officer

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