Salomy is a 24-year-old mother with 3 children. She says she knew Florence, the CBHW – Community Based Health Worker from the time of pregnancy when she was advised to seek antenatal care. She says she complied with all the visits until the scheduled time for labour. When she approached the CBHW and told her that she was due for labour, Florence called the ambulance that transported her to Busiu HC IV where she safely delivered her baby boy in the warm hands of a midwife. She was provided with the necessary assistance while at the facility for instance a Maama kit that contains all post – delivery requirements to care for the new-born baby. She is so thankful for the assistance and care given by the CBHW, ambulance driver and staff at the facility.
With help of the CBHW and Health Centre staff, she was able to know Antenatal visit dates and EDD – Expected Due Date. The overall help she received was to have safe delivery at the facility with help of midwife. She was attended to very well on all her antenatal visits and she was transported by an ambulance the facility for delivery which made life easy. She knew where to seek for medical assistance through assistance given by Florence. The difference is that Annet would have probably given birth at home or even failed if she had not been guided by the community health worker. The support provided enabled her to have a safe delivery at the facility with the help of the midwife which save both the lives of the mother and baby.
In future, Salomy says she plans to seek medical assistance whenever she gets pregnant other than resorting to traditional methods. She also plans to join social groups like the breastfeeding mothers group to share experiences and advice; to have all her deliveries at the health facilities; to use family planning methods; to share information with other pregnant mothers on how she was helped and refer them as well; and, to take children for regular immunization and vaccination.
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