Self Help Groups empowerment improves livelihoods in Osukuru

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Amorikikina Cluster Level Association (CLA) in Morukatipe Parish, Osukuru Sub-county, Tororo District was established in June 2014 by Share An Opportunity (SAO) Uganda.

The programme is aimed at promoting unity for social-economic development. It is composed of 20 representatives from 10 Self Help Groups (SHGs) with five different subcommittees on SHG strengthening and formation, resource mobilization, children affairs, lobbying and networking and hygiene and sanitation.

The CLA is responsible for the oversight role of supporting constituent SHGs through mobilizing community for development programmes, linking members to markets, monitoring youths under and after vocational skills training, promotion of children rights, monitoring SHGs, resolving their conflicts and audit their documents among many others.


As a result of their empowerment, More SHG members are engaging in both agricultural and nonagricultural IGAs, additionally, 20 members have started packing ground nuts paste for selling. This has resulted into the increase in the number of SHG member households who can afford to acquire more than two tangible assets. More so, as a result of linkages, 120 group members have benefited from financial management and sustainable improved farming practices. The CLA benefited from the Peace Recovery Development Programme (PRDP) and Women fund which are government programmes where they acquired 10 heifers which they are now looking after.

Future plan

The CLA has a plan of ensuring that all its 180 members acquire at least one cow in their households, all children of SHG members are in good schools, all SHG households’ standards improve in the next two years with each household having more than two sources of income.

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